Jan 12, 2009

Welcome me to sem6

I think i am one of the senior students here of my lecturers,
of my course, of my college...
Yes, I am.. Should i suppose to be the one to gain more respects from others?
From my juniors especially? So what should I do?
I mean how? How to get their respects?

By being extraordinarily hardworking?
Dedicated in and out of the classes? Nope? Not at all?
So, what should I be then? Just being myself?

Yeah..never never never and never stop crapping.... hah...

Why am i saying this? It's about the class this afternoon maybe...maybe not..
Anyways, it's a simple English class that
sometimes you will find it dull or tedious,
that most of the time I was drenched in, frankly..

Not because of the teaching style, the lecturer is very very fine, but the contents..
I was like being stunned for few seconds there when the first question
was asked during the class.. Believe me, you guys don't wanna know that...

Hopefully it'll be fun sooner or later.....

My latest roomate is an Indian, from Kluang and he is 17...
Hell ghost, three years younger than me..
Indeed, congratulation to me! as the senior student here..
Everything is good, by far, isn't it?

We converse in Malay and uh...why? feeling it weird?
So do I, I was like studying in local U, but I've got the respect from him..
He calls me "Bang"... haha, just kidding...
but it's just weird....what to do? he talks with me in Malay..

Yeah cuz we are Malaysian..Malaysia boleh!! Whoa! Hands up!!!


  1. Become someone's "big bro" already ah? Then end up like me and Ivan later. Enjoy your time in Nilai, especially the CLASS, you won't have those enjoyment in Nottingham.

  2. Really? Looks like I should treasure the moment staying here which is going to over soon...i'll try anyways...and maybe..stop puttin your university into one of my options to further my degree..haha
