Jan 9, 2009

New Year, New Sem, New Life

New Life? What the hell it is?
It's all class skipping, isn't it?
No? But I had done it for a week..
Gosh! can't believe it indeed
It doesn't matter actually
Cuz lectures will only start next week
Those are just introduction to the course
Not a big deal if I skipped it i think
But guess what...
I already have the goddamn assignments to do
Dues are on next week
Can you imagine it?
Is that normal?
Final decision i had eventually made
One-week leave for my new year
Hopefully I won't miss the important
Lessons on Wednesday onwards
So guys! That's it, that's our deal
We will gather on time
Visiting each other..
Really looking forward to that....
Happy new year everybody..


  1. lol... ur lecturers are pretty cool.
    they can see y'll skipping classes for the sake of the so called new 'lifestyle'..

    and so awarding u with those assignments...
    hahah pity u... anyways happy CNY guy =D

    p/s: ur life is much more better compared to mine.. can u imagine final exams b4 and after the CNY??? hahhaha.... let me die...


  2. Haha.. no worries..the assignments given are like paper-flippin, no doubt we'll get them done in seconds..

    Your case is far more pitiful.. poor sin chee..haha..anyways, good luck and all the wholesome best to your finals..

    Don't be too money-faced...must take note that your result is more important than your angpau...haha
