Jan 18, 2009

New sport shoes!

We went to Time Square yesterday
With an only aim, it's to buy new accessories
For our big day next week
Which is coming very soon
Shirts, shoes, underwears and so on
That were what we planned to purchase initially
But it didn't work out well
Based on out yields, they were just little for us
Not good for them......

I was out of the line, instead of it
I felt kinda satisfied with my shoes
Which was the only stuff i bought
It is a pair of sport shoes
That i had needed for a long time
As the old one was really poor
And guess what! It is just fifty

Where to grab it with price as such!
But how's its quality?
Can only tell afterwards
After testing it
Hopefully it's worth & last longer of cuz......
But it does looks good for me......
Brand? It's YONEX

1 comment:

  1. wei!!! u r brought same shoes wit me le .....kekeke...
