Feb 16, 2009

In Dilemma

Why must we make choices for our lives?
Just hate that!!
I've been here for almost two years
and guess what, It's coming to end soon!
And that's time I gonna make choices
It's terrible!!!!

After discussion, I've got consensus
To go out there for my undergraduate degree
Really appreciate it and thanks to my parents

There are few options in my mind now
But they are more than enough to make me suffered!
It's either UK or Australia
Let's analyze and guys feel free to drop your words here!

* generally 2 years
* can apply for PR after my study
* nice environment
* higher-ranked (for u which I am goin)
* cheaper living expenses
* currency - 2.3
* I can work permanently there after gettin PR
* very close to Malaysia ( 7 hours of flight)
* looks more tranquil and peaceful

UK( Sunderland)
* 1 year only
* can work for 2 years after that
* can compensate the money spent within 1 year
* demand for biotechnology is higher
* GBP - 5.2( used to be 7.9)

* get more money ( if i am to be more economical)
* higher living expenses
* doesn't look so calm
* further

Guys! What You Gonna Say ???
Put Me In Right Please !!!


  1. Off course is....
    UK !!!!

    if u go UK, chong will consider,
    if both of u going, then ann might go also..
    i got 3 more companion..;D

    choose UK wont wrong 1 i tell u,
    it save a lot of time..
    n the expensess will almost the same in UK n Aus after convert to RM..

    hehe, waiting for ur good news ya^^

  2. Haa..I know you are always lookin for companions..anyways thanks, i will think about that......

  3. Can specify which part of Aus? Discrimination is quite serious is Melbourne. Besides, studying in Aus is now more expensive than UK.

    The standard of edu is garenteed in UK, you earn a lot too if you work there, but economy is not good there now, hard to find job. Weather difference is also a tough thing to face.
