Jul 25, 2014

Stepping to an almost-final stage

After a-few-week efforts,
I've finally completed my thesis first draft,
and managed to hand them over to my supervisor,
and of cause to his standard,
it's away too far from completion.
Credit goes to a friend of mine,
who wouldn't mind to devote his time
to check my thesis,
very much appreciated his effort.

Next thing to work on is the manusript,
thanks to the 'privilege' that I was given,
I sincerely hope that it will end up in a good journal,
without having to do more experiments,
or if necessary, minor experiments.
Hopefully I can finish the writing in time
then thesis submission, then viva, then PhD.
Then a job, and by that time, hopefully I am qualified
enough to compete with the outside world.
to secure a proper job, and start feeding my family.
For me, that's the only reason why we work so hard
to get money, it's to feed a family, people you love,
and if you have extra,
you should try to 'feed' others as well
whoever deserve to be helped
but that's afterwards, we all have to feed ourselves first,
ironic enough...

Two months down the road,
I'll be a husband of a lovely girl.
Responsibility is there, so I better strive
to make thing happen as planned.
I am not making it as a burden
but a motivation, a driving force
to keep me going,
I just feel more comfortable this way and suitable in a sense

Throughout these few weeks,
I have been working quite tightly with my colleagues.
so call working as a team.
Conflicts do happen and sometimes it's annoying and frustrating
but it makes me clearer on
what kind of person I am, and how I will become
when I will work as a lecturer, researcher, and a supervisor.
We, at least me, never stop learning from what we encounter everyday
After all, learning to live itself is a lifelong dictionary
if you ever realize.

Looking at my progress, I think I am doing not too bad
but certainly going to be away from what as planned
Looks like I really need to work even harder after this
I mean after raya's break
resting is to continue an even longer journey haha
All the best! Good things never end.

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