Apr 8, 2010

Nescafe is never ever a good stuff.....

[7 April 2010; 8.09pm]Thought it was not too late to have a cup of nescafe as it would affect my sleeps, causing insomnia, just like last time, so i had it comfortably, without doubts.

[7 April 2010; 9.17pm]I was trying to finish up the section of my project's report by tonight as scheduled. I was combating with SPSS to sort things out, it wasn't too bad I guess.It is 3 more hours to go before reaching 12a.m

[7 April 2010; 11.23pm]Job was done. Needed to find way to gas out, so it was movie's time. 'GREEN ZONE' acted by Matt Damon - a war movie

[8 April 2010; 1.01am] Movies off, not really get impressed as his movies before. Feeling tired, guess it's time to squirm into my sleeping bag. Things started flashing through.

[8 April 2010; 2.01am]Eye lids up, Couldn't get into sleep. Never thought nescafe could be so strong, it is just unusual. Since i couldn't take a rest, why not have a go with my revision...

[8 April 2010;present time] Blogging, regretted the cup of nescafe, a valuable lesson ever. Will continue with my revision later on - food fermentation (an easy chapter seemed from the surface)

[8 April 2010;xxxxxxxx time] Pigging......

1 comment:

  1. dear, i am now still in amsterdam hostel. using the turtle speed comp to online, i cant log in facebook or mail, tat's y i am here leaving u a msg.My credit get deducted also when u called me yesterday. Now credit value is 0.00, cant text or call u at all, u also cant call me. >.<
    Now very early, 6.43am. After check out n breakfast we r heading to belgium. I am having fun here, enjoying.. but the same time, i miss u quite badly. wil be thinking of u many times a day.feeling cold?? hehe.
    Wil be reaching the north shield port next tues 13/4 9am, then wil take around 1 hr reach sunderland.
    take good care b. Copyright from ronald: i m always with u!
