Nov 23, 2009

Intangible Role

Believe it or not we just have a single role to play in
From time to time, stages to stages, youngs to elders
It could be an enormous difference crossing the intervals
If you see yourself through at the end of the day
Indeed it's like a 2-hour movie, a sudden characteristic leap
Could just happen within seconds
confronting an unforeseen circumstance, a situation
Movie, it does reflect how things go on in the real world

As for the role we played, playin or will play
I would direct it to responsibility shall I
Time, apparently precious than anything else in the universe
It's so as it doesnt travel back
Regardless of your age, life moves on as a cycle
we've all got different responsibilities
Depending on which part of the cycle you are currently positioned
A student? A child? A boss? A dad? A leader? A follower, etc......
It's just very much different from each other
yet, it's all your choice, you chose it, and you gona face the music
That's exactly how a responsible person presents himself
Success or failure. it's just lying between your fingers
If you have your responsibility thoroughly attained
and managed to find the way presenting it
You gonna hv everythin more than a success

I am a Bsc student,
a son of a mother,
a brother of siblings,
a grandson of grandparents

With all kind of responsibilites
Everyday I ask myself 'Have I partially done any?'
It doesnt proceed other than just a question
a question I ask everyday
an answer I seek everyday

Note to share nextime ----D-I-S-T-A-N-C-E

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