Sep 10, 2009

My gratitude spills.....

It has been hundred days he left us
nothing could be more fresh
few days after he went for his holy vacation
everyone would squeeze his or her heart into juices
right after receiving the news
but time, as it always does,
an effectively useful remedy ever
has the power to shorten the 'transition' period
bringing us, altogether back to normal
and apparently, it does show!
The sorrowness was lessen
Feeling comforted to say so
As a Chinese, the rituals are unavoidable
And they were going smooth
except i did a minor mistake
which was made as a joke by others
I am alright as long as they took it
as it supposed to be - in a normal way

I am proud of being son of you, i always will
besides living with the strength you give me
I respect everything you had done
And will partially take them as lessons
that I think whichsoever necessary

For supporting me always
I know you believed in me and well
that was why I am now today
I feel I was pampered in the correct way
under your lead
You were the one who built the tank
to fill the confidence into
talents, skills, thoughts, etc

I will walk through my path
for the rest of my life
without you...
This is not gonna be a problem
and, of cause, this is not a blaming fire
COme know better than myself
I am an independent guy! lolx
So no worries!!!


  1. Hey dude ,
    Tomolo go uk liao ,
    Wish u 一路顺风
    haha !!!

  2. thanks for you all present! you too take good care!
