Mar 16, 2009

Have been so compassionate recently!

I wanna share everythin about HER here that come across my mind, or even a light flash, but i can't....

I had never expected she is a person of this kind, it's just unbelievable and surprised with whatever she did, she was absolutely outta her mind!!!

What to say? She had hidden herself, everythin about her - personality, trouble, friendship and so forth extraordinarily well which reminded me not to judge the book by its cover...

I am still wondering how she did that by knowin her reason I guess. It was just holy scary and terrible. She could have been a smart gal if she dint.....No 'IF' here, it already happened!

Just feeling sorry about her, if I could grab her sleeve last time, perhaps she won't fall into the deep black hole.. NO WAY!! unless I chased her and got her always by my side which is not possible to happen, not at all...

I know I've been kinda compassionate these few days.... but don't you think that it's just bad to see, friend of yours who supposed to have a bright shining future just perished away within seconds?


  1. what had happen to ur fren??

  2. it is a shockin news...couldn't digest till now....i'll tell you nextime....
