Feb 4, 2009

I feel the 'Pascal'

Yeah, don't doubt it,
It's SI unit of pressure
That what I meant

It's supposed to be a vex-free,
calm and simple semester
Sadly, it doesn't seem like though
Thing is not always pleasant
As one thinks or expects
Dust always reappears on the shiny
ground after cleaning within seconds

- presentations
- report
- tests
- assignments
- survey
- quiz contest
- research
- revision

It's it---- pReSSurE

Don't worry about me
It's just my way
to release my temporary 'Pascal'
By blogging
Whether it works or not,
different story
At least i had tried
I know I gonna be alright very soon
As PRESSURE is really not a good friend of mine
I won't make it as my concern
Not at all

Like I said
' Thing is not always pleasant
As one thinks or expects '

' Things are not unpleasant
All the time as well '
vice versa

There is always a wonderful, bird-beepin day
After a thurderstorm
That's a truth, a fact
So, Be optimistic


  1. Cheers, you gonna get more of those in your degree.

  2. arghh...i know..it's just so sad..but what can do?it's life...unless u choose your path to go workin, but i think dat's even worse than this...
